UCY Machines liquidates and sells assets for a multitude of industries. With many years of experience in the field we are committed to finding the best buyer for the equipment and providing a smooth transition. UCY Machines works locally, as well as globally. Exporting to an international buyer base is key these days, thus UCY uses the best advertising methods and works in the most digitized way in order to reach the best buyer for your machines.
Year: 1993
Used 2008 Dostal

1993 OMAS

Small cylinder roller Manufacturer : OMAS Year of construction : 1993 Dimensions : 2822 x 2322...
Year: 2008
Used 2001 Göbel

2008 Dostal

Pilgrim's crotch walking frame M17 Manufacturer : Dostal Year of construction : 2008 Dimension...
Year: 2001
Used 1991 Göbel

2001 Göbel

Pilgrim step fork M16 Manufacturer : Göbel Year of construction : 2001 Dimensions : 6972 x 594...
Year: 1991
Used 1956 Welker

1991 Göbel

Pilgrim's crotch walking beam M15 Manufacturer : Göbel Year of construction : 1991 (old control...
Year: 1956
Used 1951 Welker

1956 Welker

Plate felting machine 14 Manufacturer : Welker Year of construction : 1956 (single drives and S...
Year: 1951
Used 1938 Welker

1951 Welker

Plate felting machine 13 Manufacturer : Welker Year of construction : 1951 (single drives and S...
Year: 1938
Used 1998 Autefa

1938 Welker

Plate felting machine 11 Manufacturer : Welker year of construction : 1938 single drives and SP...
Year: 1958
Used 1958 Spinnbau Bremen

1958 Spinnbau Bremen

Longitudinal carding machine M16 (set of 2 with long staple device) Manufacturer : Spinnbau Brem...
Year: 1958
Used 1958 Duesberg Bosson

1958 Duesberg Bosson

Longitudinal carding machine M15 (set of 2 with long-pile device) Manufacturer : Duesberg Bosson...
Year: 1964
Used 1964 Spinnbau Bremen

1964 Spinnbau Bremen

Longitudinal carding machine M13 (set of 2 with long-pile device) (without switch cabinet/control...
Year: 1950
Used 1958 Duesberg Bosson

1950 MAK

Longitudinal punch M12 (set of 2 with long punch) Manufacturer : MAK Year of construction : 195...
Year: 1958
Used 1958 Duesberg Bosson

1958 Duesberg Bosson

Longitudinal card M11 (set of 2 with long roller device) Manufacturer : Duesberg Bosson , Schwal...