2002 König small pastry line

2002 König small pastry line


位置:维也纳, 奥地利


A complete small pastry line from König (hopper, Rex, pre-proofer, post-proofer, poppy seed maker and depositing in the oven). It is approximately 22 years old and has been in operation for 20 years.

1 intermediate band ZB 1OOO

short intermediate belt for transferring the dough pieces to the poppy seed system MO(WB/ST)1000

1 Mohneranlage MO(WB/ST)1000

Working width 1OOO mm

first grid band drilled through a water bath, immersion depth adjustable

Additional spray unit above water bath for moistening the dough pieces on both sides, second grid belt with spreading material tray underneath and built-in brush for topping from below, spreading quantity infinitely adjustable

third grid belt with built-in spreading device and a spreading box for sprinkling the pieces of dough from above, spreading quantity infinitely adjustable

two additional litter boxes for spreaders

1 additional grit tray with a built-in brush

Two automatic grit returns from the collecting tray back to the gritting box, via shaking channel, intermediate container and compressed air device (intermediate container must be provided by the customer!)

three additional plastic straps, interchangeable with mesh straps, a storage trolley made of stainless steel litter boxes

Stainless steel design

1 cutting station SCHN 8

Built on puller ABe 1000/2500

Lifting and lowering mechanism for cutting bars

1 cutting bar with 8 knife heads for double cutting diagonally per piece of dough

1 cutting bar with 5 knife heads for double cutting diagonally per piece of dough

1 puller ABe1000/2500 Working width 1OOO mm Stripping length 2500 m

for loading the oven loader

with pneumatically lowerable nose for deep delivery of the dough pieces

The exact design is coordinated by our design office with the oven supplier. Nirosta cladding, Nirosta screw caps, Nirosta base plates

Total an/age

controlled via Siemens Simatic S7 with Siemens “Blue Line” touch panel

with Nirosta panels, Nirosta-Screw bases and stainless steel base plates

3 x 400 VI 50 Hz

1 post-sharpening device after pre-cooking cabinet assembly for Wachau production

further hanging tipping output from pre-cooking cupboard

with feed belt to the drum grinder and built-in Stauber drum grinder from the model series! 2000 - 8-row, second knitting an additional sliding drum for party baking

Spread band output

Delivery via double settling roller on the line

1 Formstation WDK-RR1000

Working width 1OOO mm

Double roller calibration head with duster for upper roller

Wrapping shoes 6 and 5 rows for discharging the products from the wrapping gap on the lower belt, speed adjustable

driven upper belt, direction of rotation reversible, speed adjustable. Timing roller at the end. Lower belt with transfer roller (removable) for row correction. Lowerable intermediate belt leading to the secondary cooking cabinet

Stainless steel panels 3 x 400 V / 50 Hz

1 re-fermentation cabinet KGN li (1000/1800)-housing-ZB1000(3000)-KB90°- MO(WB/ST)1000-SCHNB-ABe1000/2500 '--

Working width in the hangers: 1OOO mm

Approx. 1800 assignable hangers for a post-cooking time of approx. 58 minutes at a set 31.25 strokes/minute

Plastic hanger with cotton canvas layer

Version with two divided ring rings to change the cooking time; (38.5 or 58 minutes)

Advance intermediate output and re-entry to avoid soft dough sticking to the hangers

Advance input lines for handing over the pieces of dough coming from the pre-cooking cabinet are also used for input “squarer” Dough pieces from a parallel system

Fans for hanger drying as well as sufficient space and time for hanger drying, a brush cleaning for the empty hangers of the two hanger circuits

Extraction is carried out by the customer

Disinfection system

Frame made largely of stainless steel

1 housing for after-water heater KGN/1 (1000/1800)

Complete enclosure of the Konig cooking cabinet, accessible from both sides

Air conditioning with heating and lighting, with customer-provided saturated steam, as well as with the possibility of cooling

largely made of stainless steel

two service platforms made of light gratings mounted approximately halfway up the enclosure, for better access to the system components_Ceiling area

1 intermediate belt ZB 1000(3000)

removable, exchangeable for lyeing device

approx. 3 meters long (exact distancelCommunication with the supplier of the lyeing device is carried out by our construction department!)

Stainless steel design

1 curved belt KB90°

Working width 1OOO mm

to the right in the direction of the river with stainless steel frames

1 Rex Automat Type Industrie li T 8/6/5 S-1; Modeli 2000 Weight range approx. 30 - 130 g depending on the dough Roller feed hopper with star switch-off and oiling Switch-off of 2 and 3 rows (8/6/5-row working method) with Stauber upper feed belt to the grinding device

three additional sanding drums

Spreading belt with a nominal length of 1600 mm, can be lowered for direct passage DD under the pre-cooking cabinet system

Chain belt duster duster upper spreader belt

Automatic controls with servo motors for setting the machine via the Siemens Blue Line control panel (TP 170}

Nirosta cladding expansion belt with stepper drive chain belt with roller bars

3 X 400 V / 50 Hz

1 pre-heating cabinet system KGV IV (900/450)-KB-KB(J)-SAB(J)-VO-DD regrinding device-


Approx. 450 usable plastic hangers with welded-in troughs, 8 rows, crosswise division 110 mm

Pre-cooking time approx. 14.4 minutes. at a set speed of 31.25 strokes/min (15,000 strokes/h}

Air conditioning with heating, electric, and humidification, with customer-provided saturated steam, Automated fresh air supply controlled by thermostat and hygrostat

Disinfection system and drying zone with fan for empty racks Direct passage possibility (DD} under pre-cooking cabinet Upper lowerable spreader belt of the Rex Automat type industrial

Double setting roller for row correction and intermediate belt leading to the ball spreader belt

REGINAMATIK tamping station with pre-dust, own pressure cups and turret tamping head with the tamping tools:

KB (fixed) - Kaiser rolls 8 rows

K8(J} (fixed) - Kaiser rolls B-row in jour weight

SAB (on the support plate} - round pressed salt rolls (rosettes}, B-row in jour weight; if necessary, additional stuffing tools on the support plate can be used here.

VO (permanently mounted} - pre-drOcker tor round unstuffed bread rolls, B-row

Handover belt according to Reginamatik for final position adjustment, height adjustable

Continuous discharge belt leading to the end of the pre-cooking cabinet, followed by an expanding belt to set the necessary cross-sections

Stainless steel panels

Currently all media are still connected.

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型号small pastry line
(使用) 状况二手的