2015 JOBS Grand Speeder

2015 JOBS Grand Speeder

Contact us for price

Location:Brussels, Belgium


Manufacturer: JOBS

Model: Grand Speeder

Year of Manufacture: 2015

Type of Machine: Gantry type Milling Machine

XYZ travel : 14000x 5000 x 2500 mm

C-axis : 400 degrees (+/-200 degrees)

A-axis : 220 degrees (+/- 100 dgrees)

Electro spindle

Speed 24000 RPM

Spindle Taper : HSK63-A

Two Chain Tool magazine : each 40 tools

External Diameter : 170 mm

Total length tool : 553 mm

Working Table : 13000 x 5000 x 250 mm (capacity = 1000 kg/sqm)

Machine weight : 70830 kg

Find more here - https://www.ucymachines.com/

Contact us at - sales@ucymachines.com


ModelGrand Speeder
Stock Number756131