1988 Bell Maschinenfabrik Pelton Turbine

1988 Bell Maschinenfabrik Pelton Turbine

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Location:Bern, Switzerland


Manufacturer: Bell Maschinenfabrik

Year of Manufacture: 1988/1989

Design: Horizontal

Nozzles: 2

Flow Rate (Q): 2.1 m³/s

Net Head (H Net): 209.5 m

Power Output (P): 3750 kW

Speed: 429 min⁻¹

Operating Hours: 285,000 by end of November 2024

Pelton Wheel: PN25 DN 700

The turbine is sold completely with bearing and control hydraulics, as well as turbine governor, controller, Pelton wheel, and housings, along with supply pipes. Spare runner (11,000 operating hours) is available. Optionally, the generator, including the turbine bearings from AvK, can also be taken over: 10.2 kV, air-cooled.

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ManufacturerBell Maschinenfabrik
ModelPelton Turbine
Stock Number755977